Amy Smith (of MIT’s IDDS) somehow got a hold of a mic and madhouse has now ensued! Everyone has been split up by their birth month into groups. They are given 5 water bags (sachets) and told to solve the world’s greatest problems. 30 minutes later we get…
January: The Sachet Kebab
Decreasing litter and polution. People can collect water sachets off the ground easily with a pole and spiked end. It can be placed along the roads, and a lot of trash can just be spiked on the tip of it.
February: Hydro Electric
Generate electricity by using the bags to create small turbines.
March: Light absorbent and heat absorbent bags
They also had a crazy idea of drinking the water, peeing in the bag and selling that to farmers for fertilizer… to much laughter…
April: Potting and a Wallet
Drink the water and make it empty. Cut the top off and put in soil and grow small plants. Take another bag and put a small hole in it for drip irrigation. Second idea: use the bag to put your money in for when it rains.
May: The individual water-shower packet and a purse
Hang the water and put a small hole in it. Create a purse out of it to hold a camera or mobile phone.
June: Waterbelt, glasses strings
They’ve created some really interesting spectacle (glasses) holder. Also, a waterbelt to hold the water as you’re moving around.
July: Water purifier
Uses the light from the sun to help purify the water. It takes a bottle top cut off and used as a funnel as well. It’s shaped like a train, for marketing reasons.
August: Kids toys
Make small airplanes and hats for children and an hourglass made from 2 water bags.
September: Drip irrigation and a pillow
Puncture a bottle or a bag on top to collect water, then use for drip irrigation. Also fill multiple old empty bags with air and put them inside a pillow case to create a pillow.
October: Drip irrigation
Starts with a bag, then a tube made of old empty bags that can direct the water further and over more areas.
November: Water resistant mobile phone case
“Your phone case is not water resistant, ours is. Clap for us.”
“We have created a water wallet, not just a plastic money carrier.”
December: Water sachet lighting system and a sachet wrist watch band
Put full bags on your roof that diffuses the light and warms the water.
very nice article this is the begining for a pollution free earth. great thinking cheers for ur team
As an Ecosanie, I of course vote for Team March!
I know that some people are already using the used bags in Ghana to grow plans and small trees (in a tree nursery) But maybe it’s even better to look at the possibilities of biodegradable plastics. The whole isseu of wast is than solvet. The costs are of course a problem, but maybe it’s usefull to look at it?
Anyway, it would solve the problem of the plastic tast of the water:)
what a great peice of idea thanks for such an innovation to prevent our eart from pollution, congrats
What material’s were used in this challenge? I’m trying to replicate it in some secondary school’s I’m working with in Kenya.