Karts for Rural Africa

African KART ProjectPractical Action is a group that endevors to help solve problems in developing nations from the perspective of those in poor or rural areas. One of their projects is to help solve transportation needs.

The programme employs the following to improve transport:

  • Introduction and improvement of affordable means of transport such as bicycles, trailers, animal carts, pack animal and push carts
  • Development of local level transport services
  • Improvement of transport infrastructure such as foot paths and tracks as well as roads
  • Non-transport interventions to bring facilities closer to people e. water wells and grinding mills.

The karts shown here were designed to carry 180 liters of water. The owners make money by either hauling goods, or by leasing out the kart to others.

Author: Erik Hersman

Erik is the owner of White African, a blog about technology and Africa. He is the co-founder of Zangu, a new web and mobile phone application that he hopes will change communication in Africa. AfriGadget is another web project of his, not that he doesn't have enough of those already...

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