While working in Naitiri, a small town in Western Kenya, I cam across a home made game of checkers. As you can see it’s made from soda tops and a piece of cardboard. I sat down to play and proceeded to lose very badly.
Author: Erik Hersman
Erik is the owner of White African, a blog about technology and Africa. He is the co-founder of Zangu, a new web and mobile phone application that he hopes will change communication in Africa.
AfriGadget is another web project of his, not that he doesn't have enough of those already...
View all posts by Erik Hersman
Do you mind if I put your photo on boardgamegeek.com? I think it might be of interest to people there.
Hi Bill,
I don’t see a problem, maybe just link back to AfriGadget.
Done. image in checkers
We can often found this type of game board at rural part of most third world country. Simple yet it can bring enough fun and enjoyment.