RoboCon Kenya 2009 Nairobi Regional

First Peaks

The Ministry of Higher Education and Technology has organized a Robot Contest (RoboCon), between Kenyan Universities and middle level colleges. The regional competition is taking place today at the Kenya Polytechnic. Here are the first looks at the Robots from institutions taking part in the competition.

University of Nairobi Robot
University of Nairobi Robot
Nairobi Technical Training Institute Robot
Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology Robot
Nairobi Technical Training Institute Robot
Nairobi Technical Trainin Institute Robot
Kenya Technical Training Institute, The Winner
Kenya Technical Training Institute Robot, The Winner
Machakos Institute of Technology (MIT) Robot
Machakos Institute of Technology (MIT) Robot

Some video will come soon…

For more information on RoboCon click here.

Fish ‘call’ the Fisherman

Pascal Katana, a Fourth Year student at the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, developed an electronic device that ‘automates’ fishing. The trap employs amplification of the sound made by fish while feeding. The acoustic signals are radiated and attract other fish who head toward the direction of the source thinking there is food there.
Once a good catch is detected by a net weighing mechanism, it triggers a GPRS/GSM device attatched to the system and the fisherman gets a call/sms informing him that his catch is ready. Pascal is in the process of developing a by-catch control system which will ensure that his contraption doesn’t cause overfishing.